Monday, January 29, 2018

What Patients Can Expect From Brow Lift Surgery

As people age, so does their skin. Along with other factors, aging causes the skin to sag in various parts of the body. However, one of the first places on the human body this change can be felt is the forehead. Eyebrows become heavy and frown lines appear. This is where brow lift surgery comes in.

Through brow lift surgery, also known as forehead surgery, droopy eyebrows can be corrected. It’s a perfectly safe procedure that will restore the appearance of a person once looking fatigued.

Patients undergoing brow lift surgery can expect a number of benefits. Upper eyelids will be raised. The creases in the forehead will be smoothed out. The brow that sags and droops over the eyelid will be lifted. Frown lines between eyebrows will be dramatically reduced. Overall, the patient can expect to look younger and more refreshed.

Brow lift procedures themselves have evolved. No longer will patients have to undergo ear-to-ear incisions on the scalp. A new method called endoscopic brow lift makes the surgery as painless as possible with minimal cutting. The small incisions to be made can reduce swelling and quicken recovery like never before. And one of the best parts about it is the scars will barely be noticeable.

Stein Plastic Surgery offers a wide range of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatments including endoscopic brow lifts. Founded by Dr. Adam Stein, the practice is committed to delivering superlative skill, care, and support. It serves clients in the Raleigh/Durham area and across North Carolina and the Southeastern U.S. Learn more about Stein Plastic Surgery here.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Benefits Of Brow Lift Surgery

It doesn’t take a lot for gravity, aging, and the elements to take their toll on one’s face. The brows and forehead are among the first areas to bear the brunt, leading to heaviness of the eyebrows, frown lines, as well as deep furrows. Brow lift surgery, however, could be a handy solution to those droopy brows that give the appearance of sadness, fatigue, or stress.

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Smoothens facial creases
A brow lift and removal of excess skin and tissue will smooth away unsightly signs of aging on the upper face. Frown lines, or those horizontal lines found across the brow and vertical lines between brows, disappear as skin becomes smoother and more youthful-looking.

Reverses a tired and angry expression
One can look always tired or angry when there are lines between the brows, creases on the forehead, and a brow line that perpetually sags. Brow lift surgery can make one look more approachable, calm, and happy on the exterior, especially with raised brows and nonexistent lines.

Leads a more alert, youthful look
This surgery opens up the eyes, as a sagging brow can make the upper eyelids look tired and so difficult to apply makeup on. A brow lift can work its magic for this purpose. If older techniques require a massive incision that stretched from ear to ear on the scalp, new advanced, minimally invasive ones involve only tiny incisions along the hairline. This means less swelling, speedier healing, and minimal, nearly unnoticeable scarring. The results could be as natural-looking as they can get.

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Stein Plastic Surgery is a Raleigh-based cosmetic surgery practice committed to delivering superlative results to clients across the Southeastern United States. Learn more about its services on this website.