Monday, April 16, 2018

Is Otoplasty a Good Idea?

Otoplasty refers to the reshaping of the pinna or outer ear via surgery, aiming to improve its appearance or correct a natural deformity.  In this reconstructive surgery, the outer ear is built up after a congenital deformity or an accident.  Think of it as pinning back the ears for them to look better. 

Here are some considerations when evaluating the need for otoplasty. 

Indications:  This procedure is indicated for correction of ears protruding more than 20 mm and at an angle higher than 35 degrees from the occipital scalp.

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Addressing the problem in children:  Prominent ears can prove to be bothersome for kids and may subject them to bullying.  Ears can be considered prominent if they stick out more than 2 cm from the side of the head.  Otoplasty is, in fact, more commonly performed during childhood, although it can be done on patients of any age. 

Issues in adulthood:  Adults with protruding ears can feel embarrassment to the point where it gets in the way of daily life.  The “condition” may prevent them from wearing a helmet or other headgear, and they may be distracted or concerned about their overall appearance.

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Post-operative considerations: There are several things that otoplasty patients need to do after the surgery, including avoiding touching or rubbing the ears, wearing headband, avoiding smoking, keeping the head elevated for a couple of weeks, eating a healthy diet, and avoiding prolonged sun exposure and extreme temperatures. 

Stein Plastic Surgery is a Raleigh-based cosmetic surgery practice committed to delivering superlative results to clients across the Southeastern United States. It was founded by renowned surgeon Dr. Adam Stein. More on the practice here.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Brow Lift: Turning That Frown Upside Down

Many of the main indicators of aging can be found on a person’s face. One of the most common (and most annoying) of these indicators are frown lines. These lines are the bane of many women since daily skincare routines aren’t enough to keep these lines from appearing. Also, many of these daily skincare routines are frustratingly temporary.

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It’s a good thing there’s the brow lift, which is a more permanent solution to frown lines.

Brow and foreheads are the first and most affected areas of the face when it comes to lines. As people age, the slightest expression can curl the skin into these lines. This loss of elasticity also causes the eyebrows to go down and droop. The result is that a person looks more tired than they really are. Other factors that contribute to the wrinkling include sun and wind exposure, and gravity.

A brow lift “lifts” the skin that’s sagging on the forehead, upper eyelids, and eyebrows, to give a person a younger look. Brow lift comes in two types – classic and endoscopic. Classic brow lift is done with a single cut from ear level, around the hairline. Facial plastic surgeons know where to cut for minimal scarring. Endoscopic lift, however, utilizes shorter cuts in the scalp. A small camera will be inserted into a cut, and the surgeon will perform the procedure from there.

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Stein Plastic Surgery is a world-class Raleigh, NC-based cosmetic surgery practice. Learn more about the practice and facial plastic surgery in general by checking out this website.