Wednesday, December 5, 2018

How to heal well from a chemical peel

Chemical peels have become a popular method for facial cosmetic surgery patients to improve the overall aesthetic of the skin. It provides a number of benefits for those who choose to have it: from reducing the appearance of scars to removing fine lines caused by aging. Like any other cosmetic surgery procedures, the recovery and healing time from a chemical peel is a vital step to ensure the best results. Here are some ways on how to fully recover from a chemical peel.

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Avoid over-moisturizing after a chemical peel.
Your skin will feel slightly dry after a chemical peel. Even if this is the case, don’t overuse heavy creams as they will only make your skin oily, thus clogging the pores. Don’t tug or massage the peeling skin and let the dry, scaly skin fall off on its own. Your doctor will recommend light oils or skin products to use after you’ve had your peel.

Maintain an easy and gentle skincare regimen. If you’re healing from a chemical peel, it doesn’t mean that you can completely stop taking care of your skin. Wash your skin with a sulfate-free cleanser during the day and use a gentle acid-free serum at night before you go to bed. Choose natural, non-chemical products to keep your skin healthy and glowing.

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Wear sunscreen at all times when going outside. One of the reasons why patients get a chemical peel is to reduce the effects of premature aging caused by the sun’s harmful radiation. If you’re going outside while healing from a chemical peel, it goes without saying that you should always put hypoallergenic sunscreen on your face, neck, and shoulders.

Stein Plastic Surgery offers dramatic yet natural results to patients across the southeastern United States. It offers a broad range of cosmetic procedures for both men and women, including face lifts, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, and chemical peels. For more articles like this, visit this page.